Sunday, June 10, 2012

Early Saturday morning I had a flower market appointment with my neighbor Hanni (who, by the way - is the greatest, kindest, friendliest and most inspiring neighbor one could ever wish for). Everyone but Lovis was still asleep and she and I picked up these beauties. They make me too happy for words. One of the great things about living in Europe is how affordable fresh flowers are. Here you can see 6 Euros well spent on days and days of happiness. Guess where I am going next Saturday?


  1. Wow, die sind wirklich wunder-, wunderschön!! Wart ihr da beim Großmarkt in Inzersdorf?

  2. kleiner blumenstand bei uns in der nähe .samstags"bauernmarkt" (2-3ständchen) am kirchenplatz.
    idylle mitten inder stadt!
